There are so many things to say about Jody Kay. I'm sure that one blog about her will never suffice. I've just read the most beautiful blog she wrote: . Her writing is beautiful, almost as beautiful as she is, inside and out. Jody Kay is one of the most incredible people you could ever hope to meet, and being part of her life is a blessing. Many, many people can attest to this.
When I met Jody, I never imagined we would become so close so quickly. She was wearing one of her famous do-rags and was larger than life. I left that playgroup date and went on about my life, never giving it another thought. Shortly thereafter, she began stalking me (at her own admission).
Praise God for that stalking. Fast forward through mom's nights out at her house, camping at Yogi, gym dates, hundreds of oh-so-happy kids in her presence, Rock Band in the man cave, a very interesting girls' weekend at GrandMom & GrandDad's with vanilla vodka and Ollie the owl, too many good times to remember.
Then came an early morning call to her in October 2008 for her help. She and Michelle cleaned my house, stayed with me, kept me sane. Fast forward again through months of prayer, support and the 'suck it up' attitude that I needed.
Jody Kay was with me when Regan was delivered. This is why she is dubbed my Baby Mama. She took charge of everything that needed to be done, all while singing sweet songs to Regan. Super Gramps talks all the time about how Regan stared up adoringly at her while she sang.
I miss that beautiful voice. I wish I had video of her singing to Regan and singing karaoke at their going away party. Jody's voice is a God-given gift that should be shared with the world.
Jon & Jody have moved to a galaxy far, far away, obeying God's will for their family. It feels like part of my heart has been ripped out. I know that He will use them mightily, but my stingy, selfish nature wishes they were still here, close enough to hug & smooch. I sit here boo-hooing as I look through photos. I miss my Jody Kay. Only one person on this earth knows more about me than she does. It is hard to find someone you can trust that much.
I pray that you have a Jody Kay in your life. If you don't, find one. Open your heart to the most unlikely friendship that might just change your life. If you do, cherish them...let them know.
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